General Limitations
These limitations apply at all times when working within the ZKsync context.
Reserved Address Range
On zkEVM, address in the range [0..2^16-1] are reserved for kernel space. As such using these addresses, even for mocking, within a test may lead to undefined behavior.
It is therefor recommended, to start the user address range from 65536
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
address(0), // invalid
address(65536), // valid
Additionally during fuzz-testing, these addresses must be ignored. This can be done via either vm.assume(address(value) >= 65536)
assertion, or by settings no_zksync_reserved_addresses = true
in fuzz configuration.
Origin Address
While foundry allows mocking the tx.origin
address as normal, zkEVM will fail all calls to it. As such the following code with not work:
library IFooBar {
function number() return (uint8);
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
address target = tx.origin;
address(target), // invalid
IFooBar(target).number() // will fail
Bytecode Constraints
zkEVM asserts a bytecode to be valid if it satisfies the following constraints:
- Has its length in bytes divisible by 32 (i.e. 32-byte words).
- Has a length of less than 2^16 words.
- Has an odd length in words.
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
// invalid, word-size of 1 byte
vm.etch(address(65536), hex"00");
// invalid, even number of words
// valid, 32-byte word, odd number of words
Bytecode Hash
Bytecode hashes output by zksolc are fundamentally different from the hash obtained via solc. The most glaring difference is the first (most-significant) byte denotes the version of the format, which at present is 1
. This leads to all zksolc bytecode hashes to begin with 1
, whereas solc bytecodes are merely the keccak hash of the bytecode.
Any code making assumptions about bytecode hashes around EVM-scope, would need to be migrated to accommodate for ZKsync’s bytecode hashes.
Address Derivation
zkEVM uses a different CREATE and CREATE2 address derivation strategy compared to EVM. This can lead to issues for tests that have the CREATE2 addresses hard-coded for EVM. These tests would therefore need to be updated to reflect the ZKsync derived addresses.
function create2Address(sender: Address, bytecodeHash: BytesLike, salt: BytesLike, input: BytesLike) {
const prefix = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes("zksyncCreate2"));
const inputHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(input);
const addressBytes = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.concat([prefix, ethers.utils.zeroPad(sender, 32), salt, bytecodeHash, inputHash])).slice(26);
return ethers.utils.getAddress(addressBytes);
function createAddress(sender: Address, senderNonce: BigNumberish) {
const prefix = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes("zksyncCreate"));
const addressBytes = ethers.utils
.keccak256(ethers.utils.concat([prefix, ethers.utils.zeroPad(sender, 32), ethers.utils.zeroPad(ethers.utils.hexlify(senderNonce), 32)]))
return ethers.utils.getAddress(addressBytes);
Accessing Contract Bytecode and Hash
zkEVM does not allow obtaining bytecodes from address.code
or computing their respective hashes. This is particularly useful when computing CREATE2 addresses.
To circumvent this limitation, it is recommended to use the FFI functionality of cheatcodes:
contract Calculator {
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) return (uint8) {
return a+b;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
string memory artifact = vm.readFile(
bytes32 bytecodeHash = vm.parseJsonBytes32(artifact, ".hash");
bytes32 salt = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
ISystemContractDeployer deployer = ISystemContractDeployer(
address addr = deployer.getNewAddressCreate2(
Note, that this requires adding read permissions in foundry.toml
fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./zkout/FooTest.sol/Calculator.json"}]