Compilation Limitations

These limitations apply to zksolc compilation of source contracts.

Contract Bytecode Access

Contract bytecode cannot be accessed on zkEVM architecture, therefore EXTCODECOPY always produces a compile-time error with zksolc. As such using address(..).code in a solidity contract will produce a compile-time error.

contract FooBar {
    function number() return (uint8) {
        return 10;

contract FooTest is Test {
    function testFoo() public {
        FooBar target = new FooBar();
        address(target).code;   // will fail at compile-time

Contract Size Limit

zksolc currently limits the number of instructions to 2^16 that are compiled for a contract. As such for large contracts, the compilation will fail with the error:

Error: assembly-to-bytecode conversion: assembly parse error Label DEFAULT_UNWIND was tried to be used
for either PC or constant at offset 65947 that is more than `65535` addressable space

As an attempt the same contract can be compiled with --zk-force-evmla=true, but if it doesn’t help then the contract must be split into smaller units.